It is far better to be exhausted from success than to be rested from failure - Mary Kay Ash


Technology and InternetEnthusiast. Passionate andproficient in Web Development and Graphic Design. Grew up inacademic as a software engineeringstudent had shaped him as a logical person. He demonstrated herpersonality as a committed andcollaborative team player who readyto contribute to the company’s success.


1. SMA Negeri 24 Bandung

Mathematics & Natural Sciences : 2017 - 2020

2. Politeknik Negeri Banndung

Computer Science : 2020 - 2024


Flask, NodeJS, WordPress, Git, Bootstrap


1. Dakwah Millennials

  • Content Creator, Full time : May 2019 - Present
  • Web Developer, Full time : Nov 2020 - Dec 2020

2. Kursus Digital Wordpress

  • Mentor, Part time : Oct 2020 - Dec 2020

3. Greative Studio

  • Graphic Designer, Freelance : May 2020 - July 2020

Volunteer Experience

1. Campus Day SMAN 24 Bandung 2020

  • Web Designer, Part time : Nov 2020 - Apr 2021


1. Islamic Spiritual Daarul Fikri SMAN 24 Bandung

Head of Information and Communication Media

2. Dakwah Millennials

Founder & Director

3. Math Club SMAN 24 Bandung


4. Ikatan Keluarga Masjid Al-Hikmah

Head of Communication Media

Honor & Rewards

1. Second Winner Math Competition

Mathematics Festival by Himatika Sains UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung – Nov, 2019

2. Second Winner Poster Design Contest

Islamic Festival Kalam Himatika FMIPA Universitas Padjadjaran

3. Semifinalist Cerdas Tangkas Matematika GMM UPI 2018

BEM Himatika Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Licenses & Certifications

1. Problem Solving HackerRank

Issued Sep 2021 - No Expiration Date

See Credential

2. Kelas WordPress dari Dasar hingga Mahir

Issued Oct 2020 - No Expiration Date

See Credential


See Project


1. Sekolah Desain FSI KU Universitas Negeri Jakarta

PowerPoint : For Your Powerful Designs and Dakwah!

See Event

2. E-Course PowerPoint Mastery Dakwah Millennials

Pelatihan Optimasi PowerPoint untuk Dakwah Vol.1

See Event